Friday, June 21, 2013

How to get shaped body



We should recognize that this is the most important question in our communities nowadays. We know, body shaping has been a hot topic especially for the girls since 18th century. Everyone wishes that he or she should have a beautiful and attractive slim/shaped body. To get a slim body, people tend to relate it with the weight loss topic.

Why is shaped body so important?

Many people notice that having health and fitness are very important. In fact, most of the people whose weight exceeds the normal weight will feel lack of confidence to their body and sometimes emotional stress. By having a nice-looking shape of body, we can feel more confident when interacting with others. Moreover, the body shape reflects our health condition too. Therefore, having a slim/shaped body will be useful in attracting others as well as good for physical health.

Causes of weight gain

1. Pregnancy
Women are, sometimes, required to gain weight during pregnancy. Many of whom consume too many calories when they are expecting. Due to the idea of "eating for two," J many women overeat and gain more weight than is recommended. A healthy woman with average body weight should eat an extra 300 calories.

2. Menopause

During menopause, the hormonal changes may cause an increase in hunger and lead to weight gain. Changing body composition may also lead to excess weight.

3. Not Eating Enough
Studies indicate that women, at one or other stage, are used to dieting. Yet, the quest to lose weight can often be harmful than good. Reason why most women gain weight is because they don't eat enough, how?
When you are not consuming enough food, the metabolism slows down and the body begins to store fat.

4. Eating "Low-Fat" Foods
Women dieters may be influenced by packages with the slogans like "low-fat" printed on them. However, these low-fat foods often contain as many calories as normal food items.

5. Lack of Fiber
Low-carb diets such as Atkins have caused fiber deficiencies in dieters. Fiber is significant to losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Fiber not only promotes good health, it also gives you a feeling of fullness which helps you to eat less.

6. Excessive Stress and depression
Excessive stress for having a career and managing a family may cause many women and men to pack on the pounds. Stress causes the body go into crisis mode. As a result, the body begins to slow down and store fat. Many people engage in what is normally called "emotional eating." This is a response to depression to avoid your life problems through food. Comfort foods such as chocolate and other sweets may soothe the soul, but they expand the waistline.

7. Sleeplessness
When you are sleepless, your body can not work to its best ability. The body's reacts to a lack of sleep by storing fat.

8. Lack of Fatty Acids
Not all fats are bad. Fatty acids like those contained in flaxseed oil help you to maintain your metabolism and curb unhealthy food cravings.

9. Diseases and Illness
There are a number of diseases and illness that can cause weight gain. Ovarian cysts can cause a woman to gain up to 30 pounds over a short period of time. Problems with the liver, kidneys and heart can be associated with weight gain. Also, women who undergo breast cancer treatments often experience a fluctuation in weight.

10. Birth Control
Birth control pills might cause increase in weight. Weight gain is a common side effect for most contraceptives.

11. Television
Watching a lot of television can lead to an inactive lifestyle, and many of us consume calories that we don’t need while watching TV.  


Slim/shaped body can’t be achieved days or hours. In order to get a slim body, there are three important elements that we need to take care in our daily life.

1. Exercise
2. Daily Diet
3. Emotion Management

1. Exercises for Slim/shaped Body

     A.     Morning and evening exercise is one of the best ways to maintain a good shape of body and losing weight. Many people might have heard about how strength training is good for our body. By gaining more muscle on our body, it will induce the fat burns quicker in our body. This kind of exercise in morning will result much better. Its due to the fact that morning exercise can boost up our metabolism and make our body to burn fat throughout the day.

We seldom have a chance to perform physical activity while working in the office or staying in home. Most of the time, we just sit in front of the desk for the whole day or watching TV back home. Hence, morning exercise will be good for us.

     B.    Muscle contraction exercise is any movement in any muscle group. How to do it? Whenever you feel your muscle is contracted or stretched during the exercise, try to hold that position for at least 30 seconds. Sooner you will notice that it has increased our body temperature as well as boosting up our metabolism which can help us to burn fat. If possible try to do this simple exercise few times in a day with 10 repetitions each time. The results will definitely obvious to you!
      C. Calories burning chart for various activities:

2. Daily Diet

     A.   One of the most enjoyable moments, for most of the people, is eating. Though, eating sensibly is essentially important for body shaping, many people especially females choose to cut down the eating for losing weight. However, this is not a healthy and effective way. It might cause you to gain more weight instead. In fact, cutting down the caloric intake will reduce the metabolism rate as well and body will store fats.

A healthy and nutritious daily diet will be more effective compared to cutting down the eating volume. Foods that are rich in fiber will be an excellent choice. Reducing food with high fat and sugar can effectively make our body slimmer too.

     B.    Miracle Medicine: There is a serious problem in our society in respect of dieting to lose weight. Many people believe that there are some miracle pills that can really help them to get a slim body. Sincere advice would be, try not to consume those uncertified pills just for weight loss. You don’t know whether the pills will bring you side effects or not. And, most of them will not work as what the merchants claimed.
3. Emotion Management

We do not simply eat to satisfy the hunger. In this busy and stressful life, many people eat for comfort and stress relief (Emotional eating see in reasons above). This is what we called emotional eating. We have to learn to recognize the kind of emotion that can easily trigger us to eat excessively for example most women eat more when they are angry.

Stressful life tends to do more harm to our health and body shape. Meditation would be a good choice to train our mind and emotion. If we can do meditation frequently and regularly, all of our tension will be easily relief and we will feel peaceful.

Last Words

Last but not least, planning of body shaping, as in other areas of our life, is very essential.
1. Set realistic goals: 
Determine exactly how many pounds you want to lose in a certain time frame. However, Your goal must be realistic. 
2. Keep on the effort until we achieve the success. 
We should have a time frame of mapping out with our short, intermediate and long term goals. 
3. Schedule your activities. 
Daily exercise schedule and diet plan will be a good way to push you more dedicated to the body shaping effort.
4. Consistency
Consistency in exercise and proper food plan is critical for the achievement of objective. 

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