Monday, June 24, 2013

Top 10 tips to control Cholesterol


TOP 10: Tips to Control Cholesterol

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are the two types of cholesterol. LDL is called as bad cholesterol while HDL is called as good cholesterol. LDL can lead to blockage in the flow of blood, thus causing failure of liver, kidney, brain and genitals. LDL also causes various heart diseases. On the other hand HDL is called as good as it carries the unused cholesterol back to the liver.


Cholesterol control at glance: (Food selection chart is given at the end of this article)


1. Start your day
Start your day with healthy breakfast. Those who skip their breakfast have higher cholesterol levels. If you are having ready to eat cereals in the breakfast, then you have a risk of having low cholesterol levels compared to those who eat some other things at breakfast. Starting your day with healthy breakfast has many other benefits from the health point of view.

2. Eat small meals instead of large meals for cholesterol:

Eating large meals produce more insulin in the body and thus the person has risk of getting increased cholesterol levels. That is why you should eat many smaller meals instead of eating two large meals. This is the best way to keep your cholesterol levels in control.
3. Increase use of fruit and vegetables:
Include such fruits and vegetables, which are a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin C high diet, will give you HDL levels of cholesterol. The fruits and green vegetables have cholesterol-reducing fiber called pectin in them. This pectin helps to reduce the cholesterol. Hence make sure that you include fresh fruits and green vegetables as a major part of your diet. Tomatoes, potatoes, apples, citrus fruits, spinach and strawberries are good source of vitamin C. This is one of the very useful home remedies for cholesterol .
4. Use Garlic to reduce cholesterol level:
Garlic is also very effective in reducing the cholesterol levels. Daily six to seven cloves or garlic should be used while cooking food. Garlic has many medicinal properties too. Hence make sure that you increase the intake of garlic in your food. Many people eat garlic pills also in order to keep their cholesterol levels under control.
5. Grape Juice is effective remedy to control cholesterol:
Drinking grape juice is one of the very effective home remedies for cholesterol . The grape has the enzymes in it, which are good for keeping the cholesterol level in control. You can eat about one cup of grapefruit on a daily basis to have control over cholesterol.
6. Use Beans to reduce cholesterol:
Soybeans, kidney beans, navy beans and lima beans are very effective in reducing the cholesterol levels. All the beans have pectin in them, which is very effective in keeping the cholesterol levels in control. Include all these beans in your diet.
7. Carrots to reduce cholestrol:
Eat two carrots a day without fail, as carrots can reduce the cholesterol levels by ten to twenty percent.
 8. Reduce weight to burn cholestrol: 
If you are overweight then make loosing weight your first aim. Losing weight will help you to bring your cholesterol levels to normal. 

9. Eat food items which reduce cholesterol: 
Eat only food items, which are good for cholesterol lowering and also include food items, which are a good source of fiber.
10. Say no to Oily food:
Avoid oily and salty food items completely. Also the bakery products like cookies, crackers and snack cakes are not good for your cholesterol levels.

 1. Top health tips visit: Top health tips
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1 comment:

  1. Great post to reduce cholesterol level and along with these healthy food also take herbal supplements for heart daily.
