Sunday, June 30, 2013

Honey, its Benefits and Simple Health Tips using Honey



Honey, some of its great properties health benefits of honey and some simple health tips using honey:

Honey is a sweet food which is a miraculous product of nature produced by bee. Bees prepare honey by collecting nectars from flowers. It is a natural substitute to white sugar 

Some great properties of honey

This golden fluid which we call honey has magical properties in it some of them are: 
  • Sweetener Honey is a little sweeter than sugar so a little less amount can be used to achieve same level of sweetness.
  • Minerals and vitamins: Honey has lots of minerals and vitamins they include calcium, iron, fluoride, zinc, vitamin C, and vitaminB6 etc.
  • No Fats but protein: 1 cup of honey has 1.0 g of protein. The most incredible thing about honey has it has no fats at all.
  • Flavor and aroma: Honey has a special flavor and aroma due to which its excessively use in foods.
  • Energy booster: Honey has a great amount of carbohydrates i.e. 17 grams per tablespoon. Since carbohydrates are the primary fuel our body uses, it works as instant energy booster for the body.
  • Hygroscopy and fermentation: Honey has the hygroscopic ability means ability to absorb moisture from air around it. It also contains yeast so it can be used for fermentation.
  • Hydrogen peroxides: Researchers say honey has a special enzyme when combined with body fluid like blood turns into hydrogen oxide 
  • Antimicrobial Activity: Honey has low water activity, water present in honey, most of which is used in sugar and less is left for microorganisms therefore microorganisms get poor environment for growth. 
  • Antibacterial and antiseptic : Honey’s antibacterial properties prevents infections and it acts as an inflammatory agent 
  • Develops immune system: Its anti oxidant and anti bacterial properties helps us fight disease and develop our immune system. 
  • Acidic property:  Honey also has small amount of acids in it both includes both organic and amino acids.
Health benefits of honey: 
  • Immediate energy: Human body immediately dissolves glucose present in the body and provides immediate energy to the body.
  • Healer: honey has glucose and fructose which has the ability to attract water special enzymes present in honey acts with water and hydrogen peroxide which is a mild antiseptic honey is used as healer to wounds, burns, and ulcers.
  • Prevents infections: Honey also contain antioxidants which antibacterial qualities in it. Due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti microbial properties honey inhibits bacterial and viral growth and prevents infection.
  • Skin care: Honey attracts moisture and it also has anti oxidant and anti bacterial properties and lots of minerals and vitamins it is perfect for almost every type of skin. for skin care it can not only be eaten but also directly applied to the skin.
  • Anti cancer: honey posses carcinogen preventing and antitumor property honey works as an anti cancer.
  • Weight loss: honey has carbohydrates and cholesterol but no fats. Honey based diet gives reduced weight gain then sugar based diet. It helpful in reducing weight. 
  • Oral health: Honey has many minerals including fluoride and calcium, it improves oral health and prevents mouth ulcers and other oral disease. 
  • Athletic performance and health: Honey contains lots of carbohydrates and many other minerals. it provides instant energy so it improves physical stamina , athletic performance and health.
  • Sustains blood sugar: compared to other sugars honey controls blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.
  • Sore throats and Cough treatment: due to antimicrobial property honey sooths sore throats and it is used as successful cough medicine.
  • Wound dressing: when it is used in wound dressing it not only prevents infection but also inflammation, swelling and pain are also reduced.
  • Cure to ailments: burns, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, cough, viral infection and lots of others are cured by honey.
  • Less heart attack risks: Honey consumption improves endothelial function and vascular health, it control blood sugar, maintains lipid level thus decrease cardiovascular disease risks.
  • Releases stress and Provides good sleep: liver have glycogen stores which provide fuel during sleep. If this is store insufficient body converts muscle protein into glucose we get stressed and cannot sleep well. Honey has fructose which makes liver enzymes to produce more glycogen.
  • Boosts immunity: antibacterial and anti oxidant properties it improves digestive system and helps us fighting disease. 
Nutritional value of honey:
Nutritional value
per 100g(3.5 oz)
1,272 kJ (304 kcal)
82.4 g
82.12 g
 Dietary fiber
0.2 g
0 g
0.3 g
17.10 g
6 mg (1%)
0.42 mg (3%)

Some simple  health tips using honey:
  • To get instant energy use 1 table spoon of honey mixed in water during workout;
  • If you are unable to sleep use 1 teaspoon of honey before going to bed specially in hot milk it will surely help you.
  • Make a perfect facial cleansing mask by mixing honey and lemon in equal quantity. It can also be applied to get rid of scars on skin.
  • Honey and lemon in a cup of warm water will surely help you reducing weight within days.
  • Green tea at night with 20g of honey sooths sore throats, releases stress and helps weight lose.
  • Honey with yogurt improves digestive system and reduces stomach acidity.
  • Apply raw honey on face as mask is anti aging, avoids dryness and keeps skin moist and soft.
  • Make a facial scrub and cleanser at home using 1teaspoon of honey, 1 table spoon of corn flour, 1 teaspoon of fresh cream and half teaspoon of lemon juice mix them and then apply to your face and rub slowly and gently then leave it for 15 mints. You will get shiny and glowing skin.
  • Manufacturers have used honey in almost every beauty product from hand washes and lotions to shampoos. Try to buy these beauty products or simply add a squeeze to your soaps and shampoos for extra care.
For more visit:

1 comment:

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